Some of My Favorite YouTubers for Creativity, Productivity & More
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Some of My Favorite YouTubers for Creativity, Productivity & More

You can tell a lot about a person by their YouTube history. I’m sure we all have our share of favorite YouTubers, from inspirations to entertainment to guilty pleasures. Today, I decided to share a few of the channels I regularly tune in to, for various reasons. For this list, I decided to focus on…

Working Through Perfectionism to Stop Procrastinating
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Working Through Perfectionism to Stop Procrastinating

In our paths to better ourselves, many of us wrestle with perfectionism and/or procrastination. In my own battle against both, I’ve found an interesting relationship between them. Perfectionism, at least in my experience, often causes procrastination. The fear of getting something wrong causes us to put the project off as long as possible, to avoid…