Inside My March Bullet Journal
Sometimes, I like to match my bullet journal themes to what’s going on in my life – how I’m feeling, what I’ve been thinking about a lot, and so on. Other times, I use the themes to help guide the moods or attitudes I want to focus on. This March bullet journal theme is definitely more of the latter.
March isn’t my favorite month. For a few reasons. And while I don’t intend to just ignore the negative feelings, I’m hoping that choosing a bright, happy theme might give me a tiny bit of joy in the midst of it all. Some sweetness to offset the bitterness, if you will.
Actually, the more I think about it, that’s exactly what March has come to represent for me: finding something good to bring alongside the bad, with neither completely overpowering the other.
March Bullet Journal Monthly Spread

In the spirit of adding sweetness to the bitterness, I went with a coffee and sweets theme. March also tends to get really busy, so I’m going to try to keep this theme pretty simple, too.
One minor change I’ve recently made to my monthly calendar spread is that I’m focusing the goal section on tackling specific steps from my six-month goals page in the beginning of this journal. In the past, I labeled this section “Projects,” but I found I was either 1) not really using it at all, or 2) choosing side tasks that didn’t have much to do with advancing my overall goals – or (usually) both. So I’m making more of a conscious effort in this journal to really focus on what I want to accomplish and to make better use of this space.
March Habit Trackers

Someone I admire a lot once said that after a hard day, they try to give themself a little gift by doing something that makes them happy – the sentiment being that even if most of that day was unenjoyable, they can create at least a small moment of happiness within it.
I thought that matched my March bullet journal focus perfectly. So for my tracker page, I decided to bring back a section I’ve used in the past. Each day, I’ll try to do something small or simple that makes me happy and write it down in the “For Me” section on this page.
I don’t believe in forcing oneself to be happy or look on the bright side 100% of the time. (Mostly because I’ve tried doing so, and found it wasn’t helpful or healthy.) But I do believe in looking for ways to be gentle with oneself and to create small moments of happiness whenever possible.