June Bullet Journal: Sunset Theme
As we head into June, I’m coming to the end of my current bullet journal. While I haven’t written about the past few months’ spreads, I haven’t stopped making them. Here’s a quick peek at my themes for March, April, and May:

April especially was a favorite of mine, because of the color combination and because I tried to express the theme a little more creatively than I normally do.
But now let’s get on to June, because I’m really excited about how these spreads turned out.
June Title & Quote Page: Sunset Theme

I decided to close out this journal with a sunset theme. Since this will be the last month in this journal, it seemed fitting to focus on a conclusion of sorts. And I was able to make little callbacks to my general theme for the journal (ocean) and my January theme (sun and clouds).
For the quote, I chose this one:
Every end is a new beginning.
This quote comes from my favorite band’s recent music video, which is itself both sunset-themed and an end leading into a new beginning. And I think it’s a beautiful reminder that endings and beginnings are really cycles. The earth moves in a circle, and the same sun that sets in one place rises in another.
June Sunset Theme Monthly Spread

I’ve been keeping my monthly spreads fairly simple, and I’ve really enjoyed having more space instead of trying to cram everything onto one spread. I’m also loving the colors here. I don’t often do bright or warm-colored spreads, so changing things up really makes me feel like I’m heading into something new.
Sunset Theme Habit Trackers

I first used this type of circular habit tracker in my April layout, and it was a lot of fun filling it out each day. It’s perfect for portraying the sun and its rays, too.
The calendar layout beneath is going to be a “doodle-a-day” challenge. In the past, I’ve done this in my monthly calendar spread: at the end of each day, I would draw some little symbol or picture that represented something that happened that day. I haven’t used this tracker idea in a few years, though, so I’m looking forward to bringing it back this month.
June Finance Spread

Finally, I have my usual finance trackers. I’ll probably change these up a tiny bit for my next journal, but they work so well I haven’t felt a need to rearrange them from month to month.
June for me is always about transition. It’s my birthday month, the end of the first half of the year, and the beginning of summer. And, like any month, it’s a chance to start fresh and redirect my course as needed. I’d love to hear from you — what kind of transition do you anticipate in June, or in the second half of this year?