What To Do When You’re Feeling Uninspired
I wrote previously about ways to overcome perfectionism-based writer’s block, but that isn’t the only thing that can bring productivity to a halt. Most creatives work best when we’re feeling inspired, but inspiration can be a fickle beast. Sometimes, we have to force inspiration out of hiding instead of waiting for it to decide to show up.
When I find myself feeling uninspired, there are a few things I’ve learned to do that help get me writing freely again. Sometimes just one of these things will do the trick; other times I have to try several or even all of them to get back on track.
Since I’m a writer, I’ll mostly be referencing writing in this post, but I believe these tactics can be applied to overcoming blocks in other creative and/or professional projects as well.
Without further ado, here are my tips on how to keep going when you’re feeling uninspired.
1. Listen to Yourself

Sometimes overcoming a lack of motivation is simply a matter of mindset and powering through. Other times, though, it’s a sign of something else that your mind and body are trying to tell you.
So start by asking yourself why you might be feeling uninspired. Are you tired? Stressed? Hungry? Not feeling well physically or emotionally? You may be ignoring some basic needs that need your attention first.
If your lack of inspiration stems from the project itself, revisit why you started it in the first place. Does that reason still matter? If it does, reminding yourself why you started can help restore motivation to keep going.
2. Set an Imminent Deadline

If you tend to procrastinate, use that to your advantage. Kick your mind into gear by setting a deadline that must be met. This may eliminate the feelings of “I just don’t want to do it right now.”
Of course, if the deadline is “manufactured,” you will have to convince yourself that it’s serious. Set a reward for finishing on time or ask someone you trust to hold you accountable.
3. Set a Timer and Brainstorm

You might be feeling uninspired because you’re stuck on something and aren’t letting yourself move on before figuring it out. Lean into that stubbornness. Tackle the difficult thing head-on.
Take about 15 minutes and write down every idea you can think of that relates to that sticking point. It doesn’t matter if you write in full sentences or random words, if you aren’t totally sure how it relates to the problem, or if it sounds silly — don’t reject any ideas at this point. It’s also best to write as fast as you can, without looking back over what you’ve already written.
Then, when the timer goes off, read over everything. You might be surprised at the answers that pop up.
4. Do Something Creative to Get You in the Zone

Sometimes you might need a bit of a jump start to get into the creative mindset. Doing a short activity that is creative but not directly related to the project at hand can get your imagination flowing while tricking your brain into thinking you’re still playing around.
I like activities such as working in my journal, playing the piano, or spending some time on a personal writing project. Whatever activity you choose, be sure to set a timer and put it away once the time is up. The point is to get those creative juices flowing and then channel them into the project you’re stuck on — not to get distracted and spend the whole day on something else instead.
5. Watch/Listen to Something that Inspires You

If you’re anything like me, the frustration of feeling uninspired can turn into overthinking and circular thoughts. If that’s the case, what you might need is to get out of your own head for a little while.
Listen to music with interesting lyrics. Or an inspiring podcast. Watch a short video that gets you excited. Again, you’ll need to be careful not to get sucked into a loop of “Well, maybe just one more…”
6. Put It Away and Come Back Later

Sometimes the issue might be that you’re too close to the project. You can’t look at it objectively anymore because your emotions and insecurities are clouding your perspective.
Let it sit in the back of your mind for an hour or even overnight. Then come back to it with fresh eyes.
I’ve tried this with a number of pieces that I was starting to hate. I was surprised when I read over them the next day and they weren’t actually as awful as I thought I remembered.
7. Ditch the Idea and Start Over with Something Different

Finally, if all else fails, you may have to accept that it just isn’t time for that particular project, and that’s why it’s not working. Let it go, and turn your attention to something else.
Read my post about getting derailed plans back on track here!
But you don’t have to throw it away forever. Save the files, store the notes, and then pull them back out the next time you find yourself feeling uninspired to write.